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By Maggie Wilkinson 


That mood, when the day is blustery and bleak, and you’re feeling cold and cheated, wondering what on earth happened to Summer!

The weather can bring about a restlessness, a boredom, antipathy… but you want to make the most of your time in your luxury retirement village, so why not challenge the elements and get out in the fresh air. This can really clear the mind and bring fresh thoughts and lift your mood. 

Pick up your camera and go outside. Fresh air really helps – breathe deep! Somehow, the simple act of carrying the camera with the thought to find some natural beauty to delight your eyes is refreshing therapy in itself, a bit of a reboot. 

Sometimes we get mired in by a crowded mind and we forget to look around, forget to drink in the gorgeousness of our world. The heft of the camera reminds us to see through its lens, it focusses our vision and teaches us to be selective, notice the details of things. You will discover that visual joy is the one that speaks loudest…visual joy is straight into the vein. 

Colours can make the heart soar, and the wind, sun or rain enhance everything with their unique and layering gloss and light. So, it’s time to step out of your comfort zone, leave your senior living community, put on your coat and brave the weather, you may well be rewarded with some simple exhilaration gleaned from the outdoors. 


Here are some snaps to inspire you… 


Rhubarb and Custard Tulip 



This tulip is full of shimmy and movement, caught in a brief lull between the wind and the rain – isn’t she just delicious, clothed in rippling pink-and-cream silk? What an uprush of joy she gives, and the memory of snuggling the papery bulb into the cold brown earth last November…what a reward! 


Colour has very strong appeal, but don’t forget to look for  interesting patterns and textures. 





This noble old spade carries a lifetime of memories in its rough, ashen grain, the patina of years, use and weather, give it a character all its own, and you can imagine who used it, the hands that held it, rough hands, smooth wood. 


Apple Blossom 



The last image is a tender froth of apple blossom. Spring colours are so new, so promising, and in this little tree, this image, lies the future delightful anticipation of a hot apple crumble, spiked with a drift of cinnamon! 


What will you do with your photographs? 


Photography is such a fantastic record of good times shared, occasions, and it can be brilliant for the day-to-day journaling of what you see and what you love, you can show your loved ones the beautiful nature you’ve seen during your time in your senior living community – you don’t have to even print them unless you want to…  

If you want to have a go, start by using the camera on your mobile, they produce really good images these days and you can even crop and edit there. And it’s so easy to share your images with friends, family and loved ones, through social media and email. 

If you get the bug and want to take it further, you might like to consider buying a camera, such as this one: – 

Canon EOS 200D – Cameras – Canon UK 

It’s really easy to use and you can automatically send the photos to your phone which makes sharing really straightforward. 

Whatever you do, enjoy the adventure! 

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